
Michele Steinberg

Michele Steinberg is the Wildfire Division Director at the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA®). Since 2002, she has guided the development and growth of the Firewise USA® recognition program, the Wildfire Community Preparedness Day campaign, and Outthink Wildfire™, a policy initiative to end the destruction of communities by wildfire. Michele served on the presidential Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission (2022-2024), developing comprehensive policy recommendations and strategies on better ways to prevent, manage, suppress and recover from wildfires. Michele is a past officer of the International Association of Wildland Fire and a co-founder of the Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Membership Division of the American Planning Association. She holds a Master of Urban Affairs degree from Boston University, has served as an adjunct professor of emergency management, and as a guest lecturer at numerous universities, including UCLA.

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